“A Blueprint for Action: An Integrated Approach to Address the Ontario Housing Crisis”

AMO is pleased to release “A Blueprint for Action: An Integrated Approach to Address the Ontario Housing Crisis”. The Blueprint takes a principle-based approach and outlines nearly 90 recommendations on how to guide collective action to build a strong housing sector throughout the province.

Ontario is facing a housing affordability and supply crisis. The Blueprint builds on AMO’s longstanding positions and advocacy around housing and provides a new starting point for ongoing collaboration and collective work by all orders of government and the development sector to make a meaningful difference in Ontario communities. The Blueprint calls for a new collective mindset and transformative change to address the systemic issues around housing affordability over the long-term.

We stand ready to work together with the province, federal government, and development sector to meet the long-term housing affordability needs of all Ontarians.

AMO Submission on Fixing Long-Term Care Act Phase 1 Regulations

The Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 will come into effect in April 2022, along with the first phase of regulations. AMO has submitted comments through the regulatory registry on these Phase 1 regulations.

The proposed regulatory changes are significant and will cause an increased cost and regulatory burden for long-term care homes. AMO is asking the Ministry of Long-Term Care to commit to fully costing and funding the implementation of these regulatory changes and for implementation timelines to reflect the challenges of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

AMO has outlined 8 key principles that have informed the comments on each of the regulatory changes in the submission and looks forward to continuing to work with the Ministry and the sector on improving long-term care.


AMO Response to Proposed Regulatory Amendments for Community Housing

AMO responded with a submission to the regulatory posting concerning Ontario Regulation 367/11 under the Housing Services Act, 2011 about new requirements for community housing including service agreements, service levels and access. The proposed changes will have a significant impact for years to come with financial implications.

In our view, the regulations should follow in the spirit of the enabling legislative framework by maximizing local flexibility and not be overly prescriptive with significantly new requirements and rules that would increase administrative burden and additional costs. A new focus on outcomes, consistent with local Housing and Homelessness Plans, should be adopted as much as possible, immediately with future regulatory development.