GHD Digital Webinars

Planning in a Pandemic: Managing COVID-19 Testing & Vaccination Appointments Online

Municipalities and healthcare providers worldwide are struggling to adapt to protect public safety while managing high volumes of COVID-19 testing and vaccination appointments. In this webinar, we'll discuss the challenges of handling these unprecedented requirements, and how Appointio can address these challenges while decreasing the administrative burden on your staff.

Deliver Municipal Services Efficiently During an Emergency and Beyond with Digital Solutions.
eSolutionsGroup, AMO's barrier-free website builder partner, offers a range of tools that can help municipalities maintain business operations and provide efficient services to communities during the current crisis, the recovery and beyond. These include electronic payments, procurement, and contact tracing tools. In this webinar, representatives from eSolutionsGroup discuss these tools and how they can help your municipality during and after the pandemic emergency.


AMO-eSolutionsGroup Partnership Introduction. December 12, 2019
AMO and eSolutionsGroup introduced the partnership and services offered that lets members update or build barrier-free websites at preferred pricing. Members benefit from i:Create, a content management system that allows you to add and edit accessible content directly from your web browser.


Speaker Series
Gain valuable insights and practical skills that can be applied immediately to your daily tasks as a municipal employee. We provide on demand webinars on topics such as web accessibility, communications, business continuity planning, writing for the web and more, right from the comfort of your own desk.

bids&tenders On-Demand Demo
Schedule a demo to learn how bids&tenders can help you grow your business and make the most out of your supplier subscription.

RecruitRight Applicant Tracking System Demo
Speed is critical in an increasingly competitive market for talent. RecruitRight is an applicant tracking system that takes care of all your recruiting needs within one streamlined, efficient and cost-saving system. Spend your time considering qualified candidates so that you can filter and hire faster.

Form Builder Demo
Form Builder offers an entirely new level of customer service. Accessible and easily integrated into any CMS, building user-friendly forms has never been so simple. Built-in eCommerce capabilities also allow you to create customized online payment forms that make sense for your users.