Strengthening Public Health: Voluntary Mergers of Local Public Health Authorities

Event Date
December 13, 2023 - 9:00 AM (EST) to 11:00 AM (EST)

AMO is hosting a webinar to provide information and facilitate a two-way dialogue with the Ministry of Health about the government’s Strengthening Public Health strategy, an update on progress, and discussion of common questions raised by municipal partners to date.

The Strengthening Public Health strategy includes support for voluntary mergers between Local Public Health Agencies (LPHAs), a review of roles and responsibilities across the health system and approach to funding LPHAs.

The primary focus will be on voluntary mergers and how to achieve objectives to optimize capacity, stability, and sustainability in public health and deliver more equitable health outcomes for Ontarians.

To register for the webinar on Wednesday, December 13 for 9 to 11 a.m., please email your name, title, and municipality by Thursday, December 7th to

You may hold the date and time and zoom coordinates will be sent to you prior to the event.

