Please see below for a list of Environmental Registry and Regulatory Registry of Ontario Postings regarding The More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022.

The chart below includes the consultation posting with weblinks to their respective home pages with additional information, the Ministry that has requested the consultation, and their due dates.

Consultation Posting

Corresponding Ministry

Due November 24, 2022

Proposed Revocation of the Central Pickering Development Plan, ERO 019-6174

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Proposed Updates to the Ontario Wetland Evaluation System, ERO 019-6160

Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry 

Supporting Growth and Housing in York and Durham Regions Act, 2022, ERO 019-6192 Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

Due December 4, 2022

Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan, ERO 019-6216

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Due December 9, 2022

Proposed Changes to the Ontario Heritage Act and its regulations: Bill 23 (Schedule 6) - the Proposed More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022, ERO 019-6196 Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism
Proposed Planning Act and Development Charges Act Changes: Providing Greater Cost Certainty for Municipal Development-related Charges, ERO 019-6172 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Legislative and regulatory proposals affecting conservation authorities to support the Housing Supply Action Plan 3.0, ERO 019-6141 Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

Proposed Changes to Ontario Regulation 299/19: Additional Residential Units, ERO 019-6197

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Seeking Feedback on Municipal Rental Replacement By-Laws 22-MMAH017          Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Proposed Planning Act and City of Toronto Act Changes (Schedules 9 and 1 of Bill 23 - the proposed More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022), ERO 019-6163 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
Proposed Amendments to the Ontario Land Tribunal Act, 2021, 22-MAG011         Ministry of the Attorney General
Proposed legislative amendments to the Ontario Underground Infrastructure Notification System Act, 2012 under the More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022, 22-MGCS022 Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery

Proposed Changes to Sewage Systems and Energy Efficiency for the Next Edition of Ontario's Building Code, ERO 019-6211

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Proposed Amendment to O. Reg 232/18: Inclusionary Zoning, ERO 019-6173

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Seeking Input on Rent-to-Own Arrangements, 22-MMAH018

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

 Amendments to the New Home Construction Licensing Act, 2017 to protect purchasers of new homes, 22-MGCS021 

Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery

Proposed Building Code Changes to Support More Homes Built Faster: Ontario's Housing Supply Action Plan: 2022-2023 (Phase 3 - Fall 2022 Consultation for the Next Edition of Ontario's Building Code), 22-MMAH016

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Due December 30, 2022

Review of A Place to Grow and Provincial Policy Statement, ERO 019-6177

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Proposed Revocation of the Parkway Belt West Plan


Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

Proposed updates to the regulation of development for the protection of people and property from natural hazards in Ontario, ERO 019-2927

Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

Conserving Ontario’s Natural Heritage, ERO 019-6161

Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry


Michael Jacek
Senior Advisor


Bridget Cherry
Senior Advisor


Daniela Spagnuolo
Policy Advisor