
View our full program here

Opening Keynote Announcement:

Andrew Coyne, Political Journalist
Andrew Coyne, Political Journalist

Former national editor of Maclean’s magazine, current columnist with the Globe and Mail and panelist on CBC’s The National “At Issue,” Mr. Coyne will speak to current affairs, emerging and potential threats to democracy, and how municipal leaders can navigate the declining tone of discourse between elected officials and community members.



Sunday, August 18

2:00pm – 7:00pm Trade Show Open
1:30pm - 3:30pm

Open House Discussion on Water and Wastewater Feasibility Study
Stop by and talk to the LAS Water and Wastewater Expert Panel, LAS, and AMO Staff regarding challenges and opportunities for water and wastewater systems. 

The LAS Board requested its staff to develop a feasibility study that evaluates the potential for LAS to create joint municipal services board(s) or municipal service corporation(s) to provide water and wastewater services.

Whether you are an elected official or a subject matter expert your insights and expertise on governance, operations of water and wastewater systems, and impacts of municipal service corporations are invaluable.

2:30pm - 4:30pm AMO Indigenous Action Plan Drop-in Session, hosted by Tawi:ne Consulting
3:00pm - 4:30pm

Pre-Conference Workshops

1. Asset Management and Psychological Safety: Your Most Critical Condition Assessment 

Asset management is a planning tool that helps you as an elected official organize the future you want for your community. It makes good business sense, a fact that is so obvious that it is boring. 

This begs the questions:
•    What could possibly get in the way of evidence-based decision making?
•    Why might we not attend to the things we should attend to?
•    What is the most important conversation we need to have?

This engaging session will illuminate the condition assessments of a different kind and explore the antidote to asset management apathy. This session will also provide an opportunity to hear about asset management tools or resources for elected officials, including those developed under the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ (FCM) Municipal Asset Management Program and the new Local Leadership in Climate Adaptation initiative.

2. Practical Tips Towards a More Age-Friendly Community (AFC)

Explore the nuts and bolts of implementing AFCs to improve the quality of life for seniors.

Participants will:
•    Learn from other communities who have taken the AFC journey on lessons learned
•    Explore how to use the Age Friendly Community planning guide to implement best practices
•    Hear from Ontario’s Minister for Seniors and Accessibility on provincial initiatives and their impact on our seniors

3. Leverage the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program
Recognizing the importance of immigration in addressing critical labour challenges, the Ministry of Labour Immigration, Training, and Skills Development will deliver a presentation about how employers can leverage the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) to retain or hire highly skilled immigrants.

4:00pm – 5:00pm  Conference Orientation
5:00pm – 7:00pm Opening Reception
7:00pm – 9:00pm Ottawa Tourism Welcome Reception


Monday, August 19

7:15am – 8:00am        

Women’s Networking Breakfast: Hosted by The Honourable Edith Dumont, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario

Youth Networking Breakfast: Today's Youth Engagement Imperative

7:30am – 6:00pm     Trade Show Open
8:30am - 4:30pm AMO Indigenous Action Plan Drop-in Session, hosted by Tawi:ne Consulting
8:15am –9:30am

Plenary Program

  • Welcome
  • Opening Keynote Speaker: Andrew Coyne

    Mr. Coyne will speak to current affairs, emerging and potential threats to democracy, and how municipal leaders can navigate the declining tone of discourse between elected officials and community members.

  • Ontario Regional Chief Abram Benedict

  • Colin Best, AMO President

  • Annual General Meeting

9:30am – 10:00am            Coffee Break
10:00am - 11:45am

Plenary Program

  • The Honourable Edith Dumont, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario
  • The Honourable Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario 
  • Women's Leadership Forum

    AMO is pleased and proud to host the fifth annual Women's Leadership Forum. Since 2020, the Women’s Leadership Forum has featured extraordinary women leaders at the national, provincial, and local levels. This year’s panelists represent industries and sectors that the municipal sector works closely with: business, construction, and health. The panelists will share their insights and approaches to leadership in their lives and career pathways.

  • AMO Election Candidate Speeches

12:00pm - 1:15pm

Caucus Lunches

  • County Caucus Lunch: Ontario Association of Paramedic Chiefs
  • Large Urban Caucus Lunch: Association of Consulting Engineering Companies, Ontario
  • Northern Caucus Lunch: Ontario Power Generation
  • Regional and Single Tier Caucus Lunch: Enbridge Sustain
  • Rural Caucus Lunch: Ontario Medical Association
  • Small Urban Caucus Lunch: Ontario Stone, Sand & Gravel Association
  • Non-Voting Lunch: Ontario Stone, Sand & Gravel Association
1:15pm - 1:45pm Dessert with Exhibitors
1:45pm - 3:15pm

Plenary Program


  • The Hon. Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities, Canada
  • Marit Stiles, Leader of the Official Opposition and NDP
  • Andrew Spencer, Executive Vice President, Capital Portfolio Delivery, Hydro One
  • Bonnie Crombie, Leader of the Ontario Liberal Party
  • Lesley Gallinger, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ontario’s Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO)
  • Partnering for Impact: Public College - Municipal Innovations
  • Mike Schreiner, Leader of the Green Party of Ontario 
3:30pm - 4:45pm

Concurrent Sessions

  • Provincial Policy Statement and Building Code Changes
  • Community Safety and Well-Being Plans
  • Supporting Access to Healthcare Services
  • Diversifying Ontario's Municipal Leadership
  • MPAC Insights - Meeting Evolving Partner Needs
  • Partnering with Urban Indigenous Organizations
4:45pm - 6:00pm Trade Show Closing Reception


Tuesday, August 20

7:30am – 8:15am        

Insight Breakfasts

  • Energizing Life for People and Communities, sponsored by Hydro One
  • Long-term Care: A Critical Partner Helping Seniors in Your Communities, sponsored by Ontario Long-Term Care Association
  • The Municipal Risky Business, sponsored by LAS
  • Planning in the Public Interest: Navigating the New Planning Framework, sponsored by Ontario Professional Planners Institute
8:30am - 4:30pm AMO Indigenous Action Plan Drop-in Session, hosted by Tawi:ne Consulting
8:30am – 9:45am        

Concurrent Sessions

  • Adapting to Changing Roles in  Environmental Management
  • Ending Homelessness: Acting Locally with Impact
  • First Nations' Guidance on Land Use Planning
  • A Lifecycle Look at Recreation Infrastructure
  • Enhancing Long-Term Financial Sustainability
10:00am - 11:30am

Plenary Program

  • Geoff Stewart, President, FCM
  • The Importance of Fiscally Sustainable Municipalities
  • AMO-COU Lecture: Partnering to Drive Local Workforce and Economic Development
11:45am - 12:45pm

Learning Lunches

  • The Power to Say Yes: Enabling the Big Build of Ontario's Electricity System, sponsored by Independent Electricity System Operator
  • Innovative Customer Solutions for Canadian Municipalities, sponsored by Service Line Warranties of Canada
  • Nuclear's Role in Powering Ontario's Growth, sponsored by Bruce Power
  • Revolutionizing Waste: Shaping Communities' Sustainable Future, sponsored by Lake Erie Green Power
  • Transforming Waste: 90% Diversion from Landfills, sponsored by Juno
  • From Cloud to Community: How AWS Technology is Shaping the Next Generation of Canadian Cities, sponsored by Amazon Web Services
1:00pm - 2:15pm

Concurrent Sessions

  • Strengthening Public Health
  • Municipalities and the Opioid Epidemic
  • AI and Municipalities
  • Preparing for Energy Procurements
  • Affordable Housing Innovations
2:30pm - 4:30pm

Plenary Program

  • AMO Election results
  • Workforce Development Project
  • OMERS Update
  • The Honourable Sylvia Jones, Minister of Health
  • The Honourable Kinga Surma, Minister of Infrastructure
  • PJ Marshall Awards
  • MOU signing
  • The Honourable Paul Calandra, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing
  • Ministers’ Forum

6:30pm - 8:00pm

Offsite Networking Event - ticketed event, sold out


Wednesday, August 21

7:30am – 8:15am        

Insight Breakfasts

  • Aging in Place: Community Wellness Hubs, sponsored by AdvantAge Ontario
  • Renewal of Canada Community-Building Fund
8:30am – 11:30am        

Plenary Program

  • AMO Incoming President Address
  • Housing in Ontario
  • Thinking Differently About Infrastructure