AMO’s Recent Advocacy on Energy
AMO’s Key Positions on Energy
AMO recently submitted recommendations to the Government of Ontario outlining our key positions on the development of an Integrated Energy Plan and supporting natural gas policy. These recommendations outline how the energy system can deliver clean, reliable, affordable energy to our communities.
Navigating Municipal Relations - February 3, 2025
As a companion to the Municipal Electricity Procurement Toolkit, AMO has developed guidance for energy developers on how to effectively partner with municipalities to support smooth project review and implementation.
Municipal Energy Procurement Toolkit - February 3, 2025
AMO’s Municipal Electricity Procurement Toolkit can support municipal review and decisions on proposed energy projects. to help support informed decisions. It consolidates answers to common questions and highlights resources that municipalities found useful when engaging with energy developers and assessing proposed projects.
A Plan for Clean, Reliable Affordable Energy - November 18, 2024
AMO’s comments to Standing Committee included calling on the province to commit to long-term decarbonization for Ontario’s energy supply by adopting of a net-zero emissions target by 2050, coordinating energy and local growth planning, and ensuring the costs of energy grid expansion do not fall to municipalities.
The Role of Natural Gas in a Decarbonized Energy System - January 22, 2025
AMO’s response to provincial consultation on the long-term role of natural gas in Ontario. AMO noted that the role of natural gas varies between communities, and the province needs to provide clarity on how natural gas and other energy sources will contribute to achieving a decarbonized energy supply.
Additional Submissions on Energy
AMO regularly submits comments on legislation and ongoing consultations to the Government of Ontario, Ontario Energy Board (OEB), and Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO). Recent submissions are below.
Letter to the Ontario Energy Board on the Cost of Connections for New Homes - December 10, 2024
AMO supported extended connection and revenue horizons for connections for new homes. AMO called on the province to backstop the cost and risk of these changes so financial shortfalls do not fall to municipalities.
Supporting Ontario’s Energy Vision - November 22, 2024
AMO’s comments on various provincial consultations emphasizing the need for an integrated approach to Ontario’s energy future. Positions included advocating for a clear plan to meet net-zero emissions by 2050, aligning energy planning with local growth needs, and ensuring municipalities have the necessary resources and financial support.
2025-2036 Electricity Energy Efficiency Framework - November 1, 2024
AMO’s response to the province’s Energy Efficiency Framework (EEF) consultations. AMO supported reducing energy consumption, particularly through programs aimed at municipal facilities.
Submission to IESO on LT2 Energy Procurement Design - October 10, 2024
AMO provided comments on proposed program design for LT2 Energy Procurements, and on the draft Request for Proposal (RFP) and contracts. Feedback highlighted the importance of early engagement with municipalities, and the need for clear provincial guidance on agricultural land protection, Crown Land, Indigenous participation in projects, and the ability of municipalities to require Community Benefit Agreements.
Letter to OEB on the Cost of Connections for New Homes - June 6, 2024
AMO supported the OEB’s exploration of changes to funding models for new residential distribution infrastructure and recommended broader discussion about who pays for growth, and entrenching principles of fairness, consistency, coordination, and decarbonization in the OEB’s assessment.
Submission on Bill 165, Keeping Energy Costs Down Act - April 18, 2024
AMO’s comments on Bill 165 includes a response to changes to new natural gas connections; the importance of engaging with local municipalities on proposed new energy projects. Comments emphasize municipal support for clean, reliable, affordable energy that meets the needs of our communities.
Letter to Minister of Energy on LT1 Procurements - February 12, 2024
AMO advanced advocacy around the importance of municipal engagement as part of the electricity procurement process, and key issues that the province needs to provide additional guidance to support local decision making including fire safety, protection of prime agricultural land, and the role of gas-generation in the province’s long term energy vision.
Letter to IESO on LT1 Procurements - February 12, 2024
AMO advanced advocacy around key considerations or the Independent Electricity System Operator and electricity developers when proposing electricity procurement projects to municipalities including providing sufficient time for engagement, technical review, and approvals, as well as the importance of community benefit agreements to ensure municipalities benefit from projects.